STORIES / written
Almost Friends >
One Hundred and Forty Short Stories >
Of the many things I love about living in New York, close to the top of the list are the unexpected and often absurd things that happen in my daily life both externally and internally.
From the moment I step outside there is no guarantee that a simple trip to the farmer’s market will go as I envision, or a ride on the First Avenue bus will be uneventful. When something happens that is really weird, or touching, or so crazily out of the ordinary, I write it down. And from these notes, these observations, I am developing a series of fictional short stories about life, alienation, loneliness and joy in this wonderful and unique city.
My internal world is also full of the unexpected. It's fun to explore in the autobiographical stories I am working on as a storyteller and online. There are so many venues to tell stories nowadays, some electronic and others in physical space. And each one requires an approach that works within its framework. It’s vast, it’s fun, and it swallows you up.